Our Programs

Using evidence-based strategies to help young people thrive

What We Do
Re-engage and re-connect youth to education and employment to succeed in school, work, and beyond

Through a constellation of individualized support programs, Domus works closely with community partners to help disconnected and disengaged youth forge their own paths to self-sufficiency – including graduating from high school, acquiring real-world job skills, and securing full-time employment. This support builds a strong foundation that empowers youth to rise above adversity and thrive as productive members of our shared communities.

School Engagement

Featuring Domus Vikings at Westhill High School and Domus Knights at Stamford High School, this program engages about 400 disengaged high school youth over four years in intensive, interpersonal relationships to help them acquire the social and emotional skills, attitudes, and habits needed to graduate high school and enroll and engage in their post-secondary environment.

2023-24 school year results

95% of students enrolling 12th grade this year graduated.
82% of students were promoted on time.
One year later, 87% of graduates are employed or enrolled in post-secondary education.

Workforce Development

Participants go through the DomusWorks program for approximately one year, including three to six months of skills development and employment in our social enterprise, followed by six months of unsubsidized employment while continuing to meet weekly with DomusWorks staff for support and coaching.

2023-24 Results

94% of participants who graduated the program remained employed a year later.

Community Re-Entry

Staff in our Invictus program work with young men one-on-one before their release from incarceration – and for more than a year afterward – to support their transition back to the community and help them find stable employment.

2023-24 Results:

75% of participants who graduated the program did not recidivate after 6 months.

Other Programs

Domus provides additional supportive programs and services that work in tandem with our main results-producing programs to help youth move toward favorable outcomes.

Diversionary Programs

The JRB helps youth who have committed low-level misdemeanor crimes and who are deemed at low risk of recidivism to keep their records clean. The program does this by diverting them from the criminal justice system and providing them with a supportive adult who connects them to the services they need to avoid re-arrest. View the FY24 end-of-year report

The Vaping Diversionary Program teaches young people the consequences and dangers of vaping while ensuring they do not miss valuable educational time. Rather than further disengaging students who vape with a suspension and/or arrest, the program educates young people while encouraging them to continue engaging in school every day. View the FY24 end-of-year report


For all middle and high school students enrolled in other Domus programs, after-school tutoring and enrichment activities are available at our drop-in center. View the FY24 end-of-year report

For Stamford students at Turn of River, Toquam, and KT Murphy, this program provides after-school spaces and activities for skills building in a pro-social environment.

For Stamford high school youth aged 15 to 18, this 10-week after-school enrichment program teaches both hard and soft skills needed for successful employment. View the FY24 end-of-year report


For incarcerated youth aged 12 to 18, this program provides engaging summer academic enrichment programming.

For incarcerated youth aged 12 to 18, this program provides full-year educational services that support their future re-entry into their community and high school.


The Here-to-Help program provides supportive services to reconnect students to school due to disengagement or disconnection. With Domus as the lead agency, these services are provided as part of a community-wide collaborative effort with Stamford Public Schools, The City of Stamford, and Family Centers. View the FY24 end-of-year report

For Stamford middle school students at Rippowam, Turn of River, Dolan, and Cloonan, this program provides school-day support to navigate social and emotional obstacles to learning. View the FY24 end-of-year report

Youth Violence Prevention

The Project New Hope street outreach program engages young people aged 12 to 26 currently involved with (or at high risk of engaging with) gangs, crime, and/or drugs. The program seeks to prevent youth crime by building connections with these young people and connecting them to jobs, training, school, and/or other community resources. In the summer of 2023, as part of Project New Hope, Domus collaborated with the Stamford Downtown and the Mayor’s Office on a pilot downtown street outreach program, which was so successful that Domus was asked to run the program year-round.

Partner with Domus

We work closely with core community partners to bring programs to disengaged and disconnected youth, funded by both public grants and philanthropic donations. Learn how you can support our work.

“Domus has gone above and beyond for my child. When my daughter was in trouble, they were there for her in court. When she was doing bad and good in school, she had someone there for her. They helped my family with Thanksgiving and Christmas, and during the pandemic. This program is awesome for children who need support. I’m very grateful my daughter has the opportunity to be a part of it.”