CCM Opens Effort to Save At-Risk Youth, Overhaul CT Government

Pictured: Joe DeLong, executive director of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, in 2020. Credit: Yehyun Kim / CT Mirror

This is a reposting of an article by Mark Pazniokas and Keith M. Phaneuf that appeared in the CT Mirror.

Connecticut’s failure to coherently confront a crisis of young people disconnected from the worlds of education and work costs the state $750 million annually and poses long-term dangers to the state’s social fabric and economic growth, the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities says in a new report.

The solution, CCM argues in a report to be released Wednesday after weeks of private briefings for Gov. Ned Lamont and others, is a decade-long strategy for increasing investment, accountability and transparency in broad swaths of government, including K-12 education, job training and mental health.

Central to the document is a new twist on an old struggle by municipalities to lobby for higher state aid for education. By calculating the estimated cost of inaction at $750 million, it helps make an economic case for phasing in more than $900 million in additional spending: $545 million on education aid and $408 million on social services.

CCM is seeking a targeted expansion of youth support services at the local and state levels, with enhanced coordination, planning and accountability. Behavioral counseling, career planning and workforce development, homelessness prevention, recreation and other services all would be prioritized.

The initial cost to begin the expansions would be closer to $150 million.

The document is the product of the 119K Commission, launched in March by CCM, aided by the research and resources of a Connecticut philanthropy, Dalio Education. The name refers to 119,000 young people ages 14 through 26 whom Dalio previously identified as disconnected or at risk of being disconnected.

The commission calculates that disconnected and at-risk young people, who it says are more likely to drop out of school and the workforce, are an annual burden of $400 million on state services and represent $350 million in lost tax revenue, plus billions more in unrealized growth in the state’s gross domestic product.

“This strategy covers 10 years, but leadership and action are required now,” the organization asserts in an introduction to a 114-page report titled, “Young People First.”

The document lands as the state legislative campaign season is winding down and the Lamont administration and lawmakers begin to confront the myriad possibilities and challenges in crafting the next biennial budget in a 2025 legislative session that opens in January.

Prime among them is the question of whether Connecticut should loosen the budget controls that have constrained spending in favor of paying down debt.

The 119K Commission proposes a major spending increase — a $545 million annual boost to Connecticut’s chief grant to school districts, the Education Cost Sharing program — and numerous ambitious organizational changes in how government assesses needs, delivers resources and services, and measures impacts.

The financial and organizational changes each pose potential political challenges.

Unclear is whether CCM, the 119K Commission and the coalition they are trying to build around their priorities will find a champion in the governor’s office or any other corner of the state Capitol.

“I think a role of CCM, the commissioners, the coalition is to go out there and to continue to educate people on this and the fact that there is a both a massive economic victory at the end of doing this the right way, as well as a massive social victory at the end of doing it the right way,” said Joe DeLong, the executive director of CCM.

The ECS boost would represent a 24% increase in a program that will send slightly less than $2.3 billion to school districts this fiscal year. The grant program already is amid a long-term initiative passed in 2017 to increase local education funding steadily through at least 2028.

But the 119K Commission noted that despite this effort, the state is losing ground in its efforts to support education. Funding per pupil has grown by 2.43% since 2017, while inflation has risen by 3.64%. Effectively, state funding per student is down $400 over the past seven fiscal years.

The commission’s plan not only would add ECS dollars to neutralize inflation but would expand assistance for districts in regions of concentrated poverty or with large numbers of students with disabilities.

Aside from claiming inadequate K-12 funding, the commission asserts that Connecticut suffers from poor coordination among state and nonprofit providers and an unwillingness to weed out non-performers. The result is a fragmented and underfunded collection of services that can be hard to find and harder to access, the report said.

“There’s a lot of people out there that are doing really good work, but it’s not being done to scale, and it’s being done in a vacuum,” DeLong said. “We have a lot of systems and certain services that are being funded across the state that are not in any type of a coordinated network.”

Achieving many of the commission’s recommendations would require a willingness by the governor and General Assembly to engage in difficult conversations about funding formulas, grant standards, graduation requirements and the competing interests in crafting tax-and-spending policy.

It shies from recommending raising new revenue through taxes or engaging in the continuing debate over tax equity in Connecticut, other than mildly endorsing a state child tax credit. Such a credit would cost the state millions in lost revenue and compete with the CCM priority of significantly more state aid for education.

But the commission floats an idea for issuing “social impact bonds.” Certain initiatives could be financed with borrowed dollars to be paid with future income and other tax receipts generated by the increased prosperity Connecticut would enjoy as more youth develop productive careers and require fewer services.

Traditionally, legislators wouldn’t consider an annual expenditure as large as the proposed $545 million ECS bump — even one phased in over several years — without a tax hike or some other form of major revenue boost to cover a portion of the cost.

Gov. M. Jodi Rell pitched a two-stage state income tax hike in 2007 to fund her plans to bolster education aid to schools, exempt cars from municipal property taxes and reimburse communities for the lost vehicle tax revenue. It died quickly.