Psycho-Education Curriculum
Resources for Sanctuary Lessons and Implementation
- 40 Ways to Recognize Staff
- ACEs: Video, Infograph
- Open Communication Tips & Activity
- Sanctuary Monthly Themes (PowerPoints): Growth & Change, Nonviolence, Democracy, Social Responsibility, Social Learning, Open Communication. Emotional Intelligence, Safety, Loss, Future
- Using Trauma-Informed Language
- Fidelity Checklists: Team Meeting, Red Flag Meeting, Safety Plan, Sanctuary Training, Community Meeting
- ACEs Screening Tool
- Community Meeting “What Ifs”
- Confidentiality Agreement for Sharing Trauma Backgrounds (non-school programs)
- Sanctuary Terms in Action
- Supervision Guidelines
- Direct Care Staff Training Manual and Direct Care Training Handouts
- Direct Care Training Slides: Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4, Module 5, Module 6, Module 7, Module 8, Module 9, Module 10
- Indirect Care Staff Training Manual and Indirect Care Training Handouts
- Training Fidelity Checklist